Wednesday 29 February 2012

IronMan Head

'Back in 2007 I was asked by Marvel Comics-London to sculpt a 10cm tall IronMan head/mask, which would be used for 3D scanning. The computer rendering was then sent off  to China to be made into a revolving puzzle-head (similar to the Rubik's cube).
Here are a few photos of the process:
Here is a larger photo of the finished prototype (I added the glow in the eyes in Photoshop):
Unfortunately, through creative differences between the production company and Marvel, the puzzle head did not go into full production. As far as I know, there are 3 working prototype models in the entire world. One is in London, one is in China and I don't know where the third is. If you have it, keep it safe as it might be worth some serious cash!!!!
Marvel were so pleased with my work that they invited me to the Leicester Square Premiere of IronMan (Happy Days!!).
Whilst walking through London I came across Jeremy Clarkson sitting in an old Mercedes, waiting to be filmed for an episode of Top-Gear (James May is sitting in the Red Rolls Royce, behind. I think Richard Hammond was in the shop buying a copy of Cosmo!!!!).
My ticket:
IronMan statue welcomes the crowds:
'Trying to look a bit 'Posh' on the red carpet:
All in all, it was a great project to work on and Robert Downey Jr is a 'tiny' bloke!!! :)

IronMan images are ©Marvel.

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